
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Phone Message 3.29.2020

Good afternoon to all of our Cub Families. We hope all of you are making the best of this situation and are able to stay positive.  We will get through this.  Our DCES staff this week had a mindset that we know we can't control this situation, but we can control how we respond to this situation.  Our choice has been to react in a manner where we stay positive and do whatever we can to help our students.  You should have had some form of communication from your child's classroom teacher this past week.  If you have not, please reach out to your child's teacher and let them know the best way to contact you.  Teacher's email addresses are located on our DCES webpage.  Also on our web page is information on the district's Instructional Continuity Plan and more information on the programs that students will be using.  If you have any questions or issues as this new process of learning is navigated, please reach out for assistance.  We will additionally be posting our WCUB News each morning with messages from the school for our students.  Our morning news can be reached by going to the DCE WCUB Folder on your student's Classlink page.  This Classlink page is also where students will be able to access i-Ready, MyOn and for grades 3 - 5, USA Test Prep.  One other additional item on Classlink will be our DCE Specials folder.  Our specials teachers will be posting activities for students in here each day, Monday through Friday.  Tomorrow, when your child logs into i-Ready they will have access to the diagnostics in both Reading and Math.  This diagnostic is extremely important as it will set the learning paths for your child.  Please make sure that students do their best on these and they do not have any assistance.  If they have help it could set their learning path at a level which will be too difficult for them and if they don't do their best the path could be too easy.  Thank you all for listening and I can't stress enough to reach out to classroom teachers if you need assistance. Remember, we are Cubs and we will work together to make the best of this situation.  Please be sure to tell our Cubs I said hello and to make sure they remember that Cubs are always, Ready, Responsible and Respectful. 

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