
Sunday, February 9, 2020

Phone Message 2.9.2020

Good afternoon Cub Families.  I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weekend.  This is Mr. Vernon with announcements for the upcoming week.  Let's start with two exciting events that are coming up.  This Tuesday, our Math Committee, with the help of Publix, is sponsoring Math Night from 5 - 7pm.  Please join us at the Kingsway Publix anytime between 5 - 6:30pm for fun Math activities at our local Publix.  The activities will take up to 30 minutes and our event ends at 7pm, so be sure to give yourself time for the fun.  Also remember to save the date for the Grand Dance.  On, Tuesday February 18th between 6:30pm - 7:30pm our Cubs can bring one person who is Grand in their lives to our dance.  The cost is $5 per Cub and guest and will include an ice cream.  Grand dance forms need to be turned in before this Thursday, February 13th.  Next, if you want to help your Cub earn 100 Liveschool points, please take the time to fill out the Title 1 survey.  The Parent Title 1 survey assists our school in making improvement to DCES each year as we use the data to improve our communication and events for our families.  If you have more than one student you can fill out multiple surveys to earn each child the 100 Liveschool points.  Thank you for your help.  Last, in an effort to keep making parent pick up and parent drop off running smoothly, please remember to be courteous and as patient as possible during these times.  Please take turns letting others turn into the school parking lot off of Harborview and forming the double lines in the parking lot.  We will continue to try our best to make these busy times run as quick as possible.  Again, thank you for your assistance.  That concludes our messages, please enjoy the rest of your Sunday.  I can't wait to see our Ready, Responsible and Respectful Cubs tomorrow morning.  Have a great night.

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