
Friday, September 14, 2018

Phone Message 9/16/18

Good afternoon Deep Creek Cub Families this is Assistant Principal, Mr.  Vernon, with messages for the upcoming week.  Tuesday, September 17th will be the start of this year's Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Fundraiser.  This is our largest PTO fundraiser of the year and helps us purchase many items for our Cubs, such as class materials, technology, and field trip opportunities.  Students will attend the kick off presentation on Monday and then on Tuesday fundraising envelopes and more information will come home. We thank you in advance for supporting our fundraising efforts.  Also on Tuesday, is our next Spirit Night.  This Spirit Night will take place at Moe's in Port Charlotte Tuesday night between the hours of 5PM - 8PM.  Students will come home with a Moe's flyer, please bring this flyer with you so a percentage of your purchase will be donated back to our school.  My last announcement is a reminder about attendance, we are working hard this school year to have an attendance rate close to 97%.  We want our Cubs at school ALL DAY EVERY DAY so that the maximum amount of learning can take place.  I do want to congratulate our 5th grade for reaching 98% attendance for the month of August.  Thank you to them for being leaders and showing our younger Cubs that being at school is important.  Thank you for listening, I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday.  I will see our Ready, Responsible, and Respectful Cubs tomorrow morning.

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